Thursday, July 28, 2011

♥ I'm Getting Married ♥

hellooo there..
how's life? 
Well, it's quiet long time i have neglected this blog, really sorry about that. I missed my blog so much and i missed shared a beautiful things in life with you guys. Well, i decided to comeback in blogging and i starting it right now with one big news.
On June 26th i'm officially enganged with  my fiance, we had been together since 2004, woowww... it's almost 7 seven years ago since the first time he asked me to be his girlfriend, when we were young until nowadays, we getting old. kekekeee....
And the wedding will be held on  November, 11th 2011.
Isn't a beautiful date to have a wedding? 
So yes, it's mean that i will be so busy to prepare all wedding things, including Kebaya, the decoration, the catering, the souvenirs, the wedding invitations, the prewedding, seserahan (gifts for the bride from the groom), akad ijab kabul (moslem wedding) and all the small things. It's so exhausted but in the same time, i felt so excited. 
And i will post all about my wedding preparation in nona ellin's blog. I hope you can enjoy it, eventhough is only a small wedding celebration, but it's once for a lifetime, so it mean huge to me.
See you on the next post, it's about Kebaya, an Indonesian's female traditional cloths. If Japanese have Kimono, so Indonesians womens have Kebaya. It's so beautiful, i promise it.


x o x o 
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

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