Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hibernating Bear is buzy with her RAIN STUDIO

i guess my hibernating time is quit too long. 
it's been over a month i didn't take care of this blog, the simple word is "i've been neglected my blog"..
that's miserable for me..
but i got some random question on my formspring that ask me a random things too..
and i still not answer that question until now..
some of question ask me about "how to shading and contouring for round faces?" (yes, i have a round faces type, and the readers definetely will know that and ask that kind of question, LOL)..
another ask "where i can buy a Balmain Military Denim Jacket in Indonesia?"
another ask me to give "more advance about dressing korean way for a man".
 "how to make your face slimmer with makeup?"

i'm happy !!
finally i got some positive response from the reader.
and it make me want to blogging again.
but still i don't have time to caring and updating my blog, and give the answer of my formspring question.
and it's frustating.
sometimes, i thought to stop blogging and this nona ellin's blog would be deleted.
just a stupid silly thought !!!

for a month, i've been busy to take care another website that belong to me and my boyfriend.
this website is still under construction.
the website is all about our (me and boyfriend) design studio.
our studio named RAIN STUDIO.
a dynamic architecture, interior design and visualization studio.

we have our own business. we both are graduated with Architecture Bachelor Degree.
and he already become a freelancer since 5 years ago, when he was in fifth grade in college.
he is a great 3D artist and visualizer.
he is a edgy interior designer.
he is a great architect.
actually, his mainstream on architecture is deconstrustive.
but, offcourse, a great architect will be able to design with any idea of their client.

and i
i am good in conceptual and theming.
also in presentation.
i am good in interior design.
that's why we need to reborn once again as a dynamic duo.
(fyi, we already have a previous design studio an its web named RASINDRA STUDIO, but it's all by himself. i'm not taking part there. so we decided to make a new design studio with a new concept as a dynamic duo.)

yeah, that's the reason why i had neglected this blog.
but RAIN STUDIO is 85% in progress now.
so, i'm decided to back in blogging world.

and i'll start with answering all my formspring question by post it on blog.
good luck for me..
and good luck for RAIN STUDIO

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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